Our Bargaining Team is proud to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement on all three of our collective bargaining agreements for Educational Assistants, School and Service Community Professionals, and Licensed Staff!
Because of your continued support, we were able to settle a strong and fair contract that respects the professionalism and dedication of our members and the work and value they bring to Saint Paul Public Schools.
On Thursday, March 14th, the SPFE Executive Board certified the results of the SPFE Ratification Vote. Of members who voted, 96% of EAs voted to ratify their tentative agreement, 93% of SCSPs voted to ratify their tentative agreement and 95% of Licensed Staff voted to ratify their tentative agreement.
The School Board voted to ratify the contracts on Tuesday 3/19/24.
You can view the full tentative agreements that were ratified by SPFE Members and the SPPS School Board for all three contracts here.
SPFE Proposals
- Proposal 1: Restorative Practices 9/21/23
- Proposal 2: MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) 9/21/23
- Proposal 3: Special Education Supports 9/21/23
- Proposal 4: Due Process Support 9/21/23
- Proposal 5: EA Special Education 9/21/23
- Proposal 6: Access to IEP Data 9/21/23
- Proposal 7: PAR 9/21/23
- Proposal 8: Access to Employees 9/21/23
- Proposal 9: Earned Sick and Safe Leave 9/21/23
- Proposal 10: Tier 1 License Changes 9/21/23
- Proposal 11: Insurance 10/12/23
- Proposal 12: Mentor Mentee Program 10/12/23
- Proposal 13: MOA Tier 1 & 2 Educational Stipend 10/12/23
- Proposal 14: EA Winter and Spring Break 10/12/23
- Proposal 15: EA Holidays 10/12/23
- Proposal 16: Multilingual EA Work Day 10/12/23
- Proposal 17: Contract Teachers as Substitutes 10/12/23
- Proposal 18: SCSP Seniority 10/12/23
- Proposal 19: SCSP October Professional Development 10/12/23
- Proposal 20: Full Service Community Schools 10/26/23
- Proposal 21: Site Councils 10/26/23
- Proposal 22: Mental Health Teams 10/26/23
- Proposal 23: Mental Health Training for SCSPs 10/26/23
- Proposal 24: De-Escalation Training 10/26/23
- Proposal 25: Healthy Green Public Schools 10/26/23
- Proposal 26: Public Transit Incentive 10/26/23
- Proposal 27: Itinerant Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teachers 10/26/23
- Proposal 28: Gender Equity Policy and LGTBQIA+ Affinity Group 10/26/23
- Proposal 29: Critical Ethnic Studies 10/26/23
- Proposal 30: Bilingual Fluency 10/26/23
- Proposal 31: Sick Leave – Care of Others 10/26/23
- Proposal 32: Summer School Sick Leave 10/26/23
- Proposal 33: Paid Family Medical Leave 10/26/23
- Proposal 34: Bereavement Leave SCSP 10/26/23
- Proposal 35: Dual Language Immersion 11/2/23
- Proposal 36: Article 14 Length of Teacher Dat 11/2/23
- Proposal 37: Professional Development Facilitation 11/2/23
- Proposal 38: National Board Certification and Stipends 11/2/23
- Proposal 39: Data Breach 11/2/23
- Proposal 40: Wages 11/2/23
- Proposal 41: Class Size 11/16
- Proposal 42: Oral Reprimands 11/16
- Proposal 43: Improvement Plan Process SCSP & EA 11/16
- Proposal 44: Sabbatical Leave 11/16
- Proposal 45: PD Facilitation Rates of Pay 11/16
- Proposal 46: Schedule C 11/16
- Proposal 47: Health Care Savings Plan 12/7
- Proposal 48: Appendix D 12/7
- Proposal 49: Summer School Rates 12/7
- Proposal 50: Counselor/Social Worker Duties 12/7