The Time Is Now: Educators share why our proposals are so urgent during the 2022-23 contract campaign.
When SPFE members went walked out in 2020, it was the first time since 1946 that educators had struck in St. Paul.
Every student should be able to succeed in our public schools. SPFE members went on strike in 2020 for mental health supports, special education staff, and the schools students deserve.
The 100th anniversary of SPFE’s chartering as a union was in 2018. To commemorate the event, we dug into the history of our union — and what we are building for the next 100 years.
Our students can’t wait for the supports they need to thrive in our schools. As part of our negotiations in 2018, we held walk-ins because to fight for more support for English Language Learners and students enrolled in special education.
In 2018, Minneapolis hosted the Super Bowl, spending millions of dollars to bring the game to the city. At the same time, decision makers in our cities and state refuse to invest in our public school students.
Our students need time to learn rather. We spend far too much time testing and not enough time teaching.
In 2016, following the murder of SPPS employee Philando Castille, SPFE and MFT members took to the streets of Minneapolis at the AFT convention alongside educators from around the country and community members to say Black Lives Matter.
Educators can’t remain silent while our Black and Brown are being killed by police. In 2016, we took to the streets of Minneapolis as educators fighting for Black Lives.
The first walk-ins we held as a union were in 2014. Members showed up to school early to walk into the building together in support of the schools St. Paul students deserve.
SPFE members held walk ins with parents, students, and community members in a snowstorm for the school students deserve.
SPFE Professional Development Facilitators Needed: We are seeking current SPFE members to be Professional Development Facilitators for the following courses:…
SPFE members- please join us for our October membership meeting on Monday, October 28th at 4:30pm at SPFE. Our address…
What We Do
Professional Development
SPFE has reimagined our PD through an equity lens. Courses are currently being offered and are free to SPFE members. Members can enroll on PDExpress If you have any questions, email our the Professional Development Team.
Restorative Practices
Do you want to learn how to bring restorative practices to your school? Contact Shawn Davenport with questions and to learn about upcoming RP opportunities.
Family Engagement
Do you want to learn about APTT opportunities this fall? Contact Hannah Pierson.
Want to learn how to conduct home visits? Email for information about upcoming training dates.