October Professional Development Update

The Saint Paul Federation of Teachers is excited to offer multiple professional development courses during the 2017-18 school year. We believe that the most relevant and effective professional development is led by educators.

All SPFT members are eligible to take these courses free of charge. Courses can be taken for stipend, in-service credits (good towards lane change), or for graduate credit through Saint Mary’s University for an additional fee. Log onto PD Express to register. If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Wade at rebecca@spft.org.


Featured Courses:

Foundations of Effective Teaching II: Building Academic Success

This course presents additional foundational aspects of effective teaching. It is designed to provide more in-depth training in complex research-based concepts and strategies such as cognitive coaching, scaffolding skills, planning and implementing cooperative small group activities, developing positive social influences, effective communication practices in the classroom, and learning how to use case studies and educational literature to enhance professional development sessions.

Course Dates: 11/18, 12/2, 12/9, and 12/16 from 8:30 – 4:00pm (unless otherwise noted on PD Express)

English Language Learners 101 Module 1: Who are ELL’s

This course is targeted to preK-12 mainstream educators of English Language Learners. Participants will gain an understanding of second language acquisition to increase awareness of ELLs strengths and empathy for their needs. Participants will identify strategies to scaffold and differentiate instruction, increase knowledge of state and federal laws for ELLs, and examine research-based instructional strategies to optimize academic learning for ELLs.

Course Dates: 10/28, 11/4 and 11/18 from 8:30 – 4:00pm unless otherwise noted on PD Express

Managing Behavior in School Communities I (R & U)

Managing Behavior in School Communities presents the most recent and seminal research on challenging student behavior.  MBSC provides educators and other school personnel with effective strategies for managing unwanted behavior across a variety of learning environments. MSBC will provide educators with the information, tools and skills they will need to prevent or eliminate challenging behavior when it occurs. This course reviews Beginning of the Year Classroom Management strategies from the Foundations course, and takes the research to the next level for students who do not respond to basic prevention through effective classroom management.

Course Dates: 11/4, 11/11, 12/2 and 12/9 from 8:30 – 4:00pm unless otherwise noted on PD Express


Does your teaching license need to be renewed? If so, don’t miss these re-licensure opportunities:

The Teaching & Learning Center will offer three opportunities for educators to complete re-licensure requirements.  All sessions will be held at Education Minnesota —

January 13, 2018 — Identifying Student Mental Health (includes suicide prevention requirement), Accommodations & Modifications, Digital Technology Strategies in the Classroom

February 10, 2018 — Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies, Supporting English Learners in the Classroom, Reading Preparation Seminar

March 17, 2018 — Supporting English Learners in the Classroom, Accommodations & Modifications, Identifying Student Mental Health (includes the suicide prevention requirement), Digital Technology Strategies in the Classroom — participants will choose 3 of the 4 courses.

Click  HERE for more information or to register.


Is there a professional development topic not offered by SPFT?  Reach out to Rebecca Wade at rebecca@spft.org to share your ideas.  We are working on adding additional courses to our offerings — please visit the website frequently to see what new courses are available.