Today, we met with the District for our second round of mediated bargaining.
- The Bargaining Team and the District reached tentative agreements on the following proposals:
- Proposal #9: Expands APTT language to be included in both the EA and SCSP contracts, expands APTT support offered to teachers, and aligns the language with what’s working in APTT schools.
- Proposal #12: Ensures that EL teachers are given adequate teaching space.
- Proposal #13: Ensures that EL teachers and substitutes assigned to EL teacher jobs will not be pulled from providing service to students in order to sub for other classrooms.
- The District presented their proposal to make it easier to place teachers on an improvement plan. Under the proposal, if a teacher is below standard in domain 1 or domain 2, they would be put on a performance improvement plan.
- Currently, a teacher is only placed on a performance improvement plan if their overall rating is below standard.
- The District still has not responded to more than half of our proposals, with 18 of our 31 proposals still needing a response.
The bargaining process has been moving incredibly slowly, and if feels like the District has been disorganized at each of our bargaining sessions. They have refused to discuss any proposals that will cost money, and it has been very difficult to get the district to put any responses to our proposals in writing.
The district isn’t in the classroom every day, and doesn’t see the same urgency of getting these critical supports to students so they can shine like we know they can.
That’s why it’s so important that we continue to push the District to take action, and work together to build the schools that Saint Paul students deserve.
Join us at a
Rally for Saint Paul Students next Tuesday, January 21 at 4:30pm outside the district administration building at 360 Colborne Street to raise our voices and tell our school administrators and elected officials that they need to join us in putting Saint Paul students first.
In Solidarity,
The SPFE Bargaining Team
Charles T. Letendre
Denise Young
Diane Olson
Elysia Peitzman
Erica Schatzlein
Erin Dooley
Joan Duncanson
Jonathan Burnett
Laurel Kuhner Berker
Leah VanDassor
Leigh Vang
Martha Preston
Nick Faber
Peter Grebner
Peter Kvamme
Rene Myers
Sue Snyder
Sylvia Perez
Thomas Stinson
Todd Marder
Traci Buckle
Yasmin Muridi