“Be it resolved that AFSCME Local 34, the social services workers at Hennepin County supports the St. Paul Federation of Teachers in its fight to negotiate a contract that addresses all of these issues with the St. Paul School Board.”
“Be it resolved that AFSCME Local 3800, the clerical workers at the University of Minnesota support the Saint Paul Federation of Teachers in its fight to negotiate a contract that addresses all of the issues with the St. Paul School Board.”
Minnesota Academics United:
“SPFT has the steadfast support of UMN Academics United. We stand with our fellow educators and creators of community. The fight SPFT is taking on is not just about fair contracts and respect, it is literally the front in the fight to protect public education. UMN Academics United shares the same struggle. Our St. Paul teachers teach and nurture our children every day. The value of their work and influence should be recognized in their contracts. We call on the School Board to support St. Paul teachers by participating in authentic dialog to negotiate a fair contract that reflects the respect our teachers earn everyday. Support St. Paul students; support Support St. Paul teachers.”
Minnesota Association of Professional Employees:
“The 14,500 members of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) stand in solidarity with the St. Paul Federation of Teachers (SPFT) in their struggle with St. Paul Public Schools for a fair contract.
As professionals working for the State of Minnesota, MAPE members know the importance of providing excellent educational opportunities for our children. Therefore, we were concerned to learn that the school district said it won’t dedicate resources to SPFT proposals intending to improve learning conditions for students. We strongly encourage the district to adopt these proposals.” – Chet Jorgeson, Statewide President of MAPE
“The SPFT has the unwavering support of the Minnesota Nurses Association and its 20,000+ members throughout the state… Surely, it’s in everyone’s best interest to set aside adversarial tactics and negotiate a fair contract that shows the District Proudly Supports and values its teachers. These are moments when leaders need to step up and lead. And I am urging you to do just that.” – Mary Turner, President of MNA
Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation:
“Our schools work best when educators are valued and their concerns are heard Today’s strike authorization vote is a clear indication that it isn’t happening.
The St. Paul Regional Labor Federation’s 100-plus unions, representing over 50,000 working people, stand with teachers today, and we’ll continue to stand with them as long as it takes to get the contract they deserve and their students deserve.” – Bobby Kasper, President of the St. Paul Regional Labor Federation
“It’s time for the District to support its employees and drop the adversarial approach to negotiations. If the St. Paul Teachers go on strike against the District, please know that they will have the full support of Teamsters Local 320 and its 11,500 strong membership. SPFT stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Teamsters last fall, and Teamsters will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with SPFT now!” – Brian Aldes, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamster Local 320