Election for SPFT leadership will take place over the course of the next few weeks. SPFT members will be voting to elect a Vice President, Treasurer, Director of Non-Licensed Staff as well as nine members of the Executive Board and eleven delegates to the Regional Labor Federation.
Ballots and candidate biographies will be mailed to members’ houses the week of April 9th. They can be mailed back to SPFT, dropped off at the union office, or given to your steward to return. All ballots must be in by 5pm on Monday, April 23rd.
The following candidates (listed in alphabetical order) submitted their election paperwork by 5:00pm on Monday:
Vice President:
- Diedra Carlson
- Erica Schatzlein
- Sue Snyder
Director of Non Licensed Staff:
- Gilbert Hale Jr.
- Yasmin Muridi
- Sylvia Perez
Executive Board:
- Robyn Asher
- Stephen Collins
- Pete Grebner
- Bernetta Green
- Fallon Henderson
- Brian Hodge-Rice
- Steve Jents
- Sarah Johnson
- Peter Kvamme
- Jaclyn Meyer Larson
- Ellen Olsen
- Sharon Overlien
- Brian Pearson
- Kaye Thompson Peters
- Stephanie Pignato
- Becky Randall
- Kari Rise
- Razia Shariff
- R. Lee Stagg
- Beth Swanberg
- Thomas Totushek
- Leah VanDassor
Regional Labor Federation:
- Peggy Cobbins
- Joan Duncanson
- Nick Faber
- Laurel Kuhner Berker
- Roy Magnuson
- Dane Ryan
- Sue Snyder
- Leah VanDassor
- Andrew Walerius