The window for elections for SPFE Vice- President, Director of Non-Licensed Personnel, Treasurer, and Executive Board members and St. Paul Regional Labor Federation will open on Monday, April 4 and close April 25. Candidate bios can be reviewed here.
On Monday, April 4, SPFE members will receive a ballot to their personal email (if we do not have one on file, it will go to your SPPS email).
Look for the following heading:
From: SPFE28 Elections CoordinatorSubject: St. Paul Federation of Educators Local 28 Election
If you do not see it, please check your spam or junk folder.
The email will contain directions on how to vote, a personal passcode, and a telephone number to call if you are having any problems.
We are excited to be using the electronic voting this year, making it easier for members to securely cast their ballots. Thank you to the elections committee for their work in getting this set up.