The SPFT bargaining team met with the district between 9am and 4pm today. We made some progress on cost neutral proposals, but we are still a long way off from a settlement.
The district is unwilling to fund programs they agree our students need, including adequate supports for our English Learners and students in special education programs, and the ability for students to access Restorative Practices.
Based on their latest counter, class size language would expire in the middle of a contract and we would not have the option to negotiate again until the following contract cycle. Their proposed class size language would no longer apply to secondary English Learner or elective classes.
The districts’ proposal to make it easier to put teachers on improvement plans is still on the table. Teachers found below standard in only one domain would be approximately three months from being let go.
You can find an updated side by side comparison of what is on the table here.
School board members and the Superintendent were not present for mediation today.
We have negotiations scheduled for the rest of the week and are willing to meet over the weekend, but if SPPS does not free up resources for programs that our students depend on to learn, we will strike.
To that end, SPFT’s Executive Board officially decided a strike will begin on February 13th if we have not settled. This decision was announced tonight after consultation with the bargaining team at a meeting with over 150 members from buildings across the district this evening. Your building strike captain will have more information.