Today we met with the District for our third mediation session.
The District still has not responded to a majority of our proposals.
Bargaining continues to move at a frustratingly slow pace. The District isn’t taking our student-centered proposals seriously and is showing no urgency in making changes to give our students the schools they deserve!
The District continues to emphasize that our contract negotiations are friendly and respectful – but friendly isn’t getting our students the supports that they need, and it is not respectful to continue to leave student needs unmet and ignore the voice of educators in our schools.
If you are tired of being ignored and sick of seeing student needs go unmet, talk to your Contract Action Team member or Steward about signing the strike petition!
Here’s a quick summary of what happened today:
- The SPFE bargaining team made a number of counter-proposals.
- The district talked through their last counter regarding community education programs: ECFE, Discovery Clubs, and hourly teachers.
- The Bargaining Team and the District reached a tentative agreement that grants our EAs and SCSPs the right to resume an EA or SCSP job after completing a teaching program like SUTR if they don’t become a tenured teacher.
- There was also a tentative agreement on district proposal nine, which updates contract language to read 3 formal observations rather than 2 for probationary teachers.
Our next mediation session is scheduled for Thursday, February 6th.
In Solidarity,
The SPFE Bargaining Team
Charles T. Letendre
Denise Young
Diane Olson
Elysia Peitzman
Erica Schatzlein
Erin Dooley
Joan Duncanson
Jonathan Burnett
Laurel Kuhner Berker
Leah VanDassor
Leigh Vang
Martha Preston
Nick Faber
Peter Grebner
Peter Kvamme
Rene Myers
Sue Snyder
Sylvia Perez
Thomas Stinson
Todd Marder
Traci Buckle
Yasmin Muridi