In the week leading up to the Super Bowl, SPFT is joining with other organizations including Black Visions Collective, CTUL, Inquilinxs Unidxs, the Bakers Union, MN350, and others to organize a series of actions to draw attention to the crisis in Minneapolis. The Super Bowl is our opportunity to create a vision of a new world we co-create.
The Pre-Game: Our Lives Over Their Game
Join us to demand NFL billionaires listen to our voices!
When: Monday, January 29th from 6:00 – 8:00pm
Where: Hamm Plaza (1 Ecolab Pl, St. Paul, MN 55102)
Who: Everyone!
Action to Support Low-Income Tenants
Tenants are standing up to demand control over their buildings and to protest gentrification and displacement.
When: Thursday, February 1 in the early evening
Where: TBD
Who: Inquilinxs Unidxs (Tenants United for Justice) & Black Visions Collective
Corporations will benefit from the Super Bowl and working class people of color will continue to experience over-policing, wage theft, and regressive immigration policies. Join us to publicly call on Home Depot to support a responsible contractor policy and the renewal of DACA.
When: Friday, February 2 from 4:30 – 6:30pm
Where: Home Depot at the Quarry (1520 New Brighton Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55413)
Super Bowl Breakfast: Action to Demand $15
The Super Bowl is hosted by the same companies that tried to keep working families in poverty by fighting Earned Sick Time and a $15 Minimum Wage. While they host an elite breakfast Saturday morning, we’ll gather outside for a people’s breakfast to honor workers who fight for living wages, their families, and communities
When: Saturday, February 3 from 7:00 – 9:00am
Where: Minneapolis Hilton (1001 Marquette Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
The owner of Franklin Street Bakery also runs the Taste of the NFL. We’re holding a counter-event for the bakery workers who are organizing a union.
When: Saturday, February 3 from 5:00 – 8:00pm
Where: Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation (353 W 7th St, St. Paul, MN 55102)
Who: BCTGM Local 22 – Baker’s Union
Super Bowl Anti-Racist and Anti-Corporate Coalition March
The city will spend millions to beef up the police force and clear homeless people out of downtown, in a shameful effort to whitewash Minneapolis and ignore real problems of injustice and exploitation.
When: Sunday, February 4 from 3:00 – 6:00pm
Where: Peavey Park (730 22nd St E, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Who: Super Bowl Anti-Racist and Anti-Corporate Coalition