Saint Paul educators ready to work for a safe, equitable return to schools
St. Paul, Minnesota, Oct. 2, 2020 — The following is statement from Saint Paul Federation of Educators President Nick Faber on Stage 1 of hybrid learning in Saint Paul Public Schools.
“We believe we can bring most of our students with special needs back to school in stage 1 and keep them safe.
Saint Paul educators demand that safety protocols are clear for everyone involved so we can protect our community, especially our medically fragile students. We also want clear expectations for working with students in person and online; it is impossible to do two jobs at once and the district has to discuss with us how we will serve all families sufficiently.
Educators know in-person learning is best and will work tirelessly to figure out ways to bring all students and staff back into our buildings safely. We want to be involved in finding solutions. Unfortunately, educator voice has not been a priority in SPPS’s reopening process. Educators, parents and students – especially communities of color and multilingual families who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 — need to be a part of the decision-making process.
Equity needs to be front and center during this crisis. We need to end the glaring inequities people of color and low-income families faced before the pandemic, not make them worse. Saint Paul educators are ready to do the work and fight for the resources we need for a safe, equitable and sustainable reopening of our public schools.”