Mayor-Elect Melvin Carter has pulled together panels comprised of community members to hire ten department leaders. The goal of these panels is to bring more transparency to city hall and ensure a diverse group of voices lead in the selection of these crucial positions. This open process stands in contrast to the way that department leaders in Saint Paul have traditionally been hired.
Current or retired SPFT members sit on seven of these panels:
- Safety and Inspection: Julia Shepherd (Harding)
- Finance: Robin King (Eastern Heights)
- Libraries: Beth Swanberg (Highland Park Middle)
- Technology and Communications: Daria Caldwell (Highland Park Elementary)
- Parks and Recreation: Dane Ryan (Discovery Club)
- Planning and Economic Development: Denise Rodriguez (retired SPFT President and Ramsey Middle)
- Public Works: Alec Timmerman (Washington Technology)
All panel participants underwent an orientation before the interviews. Panel interviews will be conducted this week with applicants. The hiring panels will send a slate of finalists to the mayor-elect, who will make the final hiring decision in January.
We are thrilled to have so many strong voices for public education advocating for our students and our Saint Paul community!