At SPFT, we know that if we want educators to matter at the Capitol, we must elect them to the legislature. We are proud to endorse Bonita Jones, former classroom teacher and current Minneapolis Federation of Teachers business agent and advocate for Minnesota House District 62B in Minneapolis.
We believe that Bonita would bring valuable experience as an educator to the Minnesota House. She has been a business agent for MFT for the past 11 years, and is currently helping them negotiate their current contract. Prior to becoming a business agent, Bonita was a classroom teacher for 28 years. If we want to create an environment at the legislature that will truly address education funding issues, we must elect educators.
Bonita has also been endorsed by Education Minnesota.
COPE will be considering endorsements for other Saint Paul municipal, county, and legislative races in the coming months. For questions, contact SPFT’s Political Organizer Lynne Bolton (