The 3500 members of the Saint Paul Federation of Educators are committed to using our collective power to speak out against white supremacy and dismantle systems of oppression. We know this work does not begin or end with a single act, and that we must always be fighting for racial justice.
The recent murder of George Floyd by a member of the Minneapolis Police Department was a despicable act. In response, President of the Minneapolis Police Federation Bob Kroll has spewed rhetoric of hate, racism, and victim blaming. The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul will not be safe as long as Bob Kroll has such an undue influence over policing in Minneapolis.
Therefore, SPFE stands with our labor community – Bob Kroll must resign and the Minneapolis Police Department must take measurable steps to eliminate racism from its ranks.
We are honored to stand with the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, Education Minnesota, UNITE HERE Local 17, and State Councils, Regional Labor Federations and the Minnesota AFL-CIO in seeking to end white supremacy within the labor movement.