Saint Paul Institute

  • The Saint Paul Institute met at the East Side Freedom Library in August 2017.

  • Former SPFT President Denise Rodriguez coaches a team during a Saint Paul Institute session.

  • The team from Broward Teachers Union attends the Saint Paul Institute.

Across the country, unions are taking back public education by trying new organizing models to fight for their students and their communities. SPFT has been at the forefront of this movement, changing the way we approach building power and negotiating contracts to bring about real change for our community. Instead of focusing solely on wages and benefits, SPFT campaigns for racially-equitable public schools that work for all of our students

Now, we want to share what we have learned about mobilizing our members and engaging the community. Through the Saint Paul Institute, we offer four three-day-long trainings on Bargaining for the Common Good. Funded by the National Education Association, the trainings are open to any teachers’ union that wants to take on social and racial justice issues at the bargaining table. 

If you are interested in attending a Bargaining for the Common Good training led by SPFT leaders, contact Leah Lindeman at