2020 Recognition: Mary McGough Award Winner and ESP of the Year

The Mary McGough Award is the highest honor given by the Saint Paul Federation of Educators in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of education in Saint Paul Public Schools. Mary McGough was an original member of SPFT and began teaching in 1903. At nearly 60 years old, she was instrumental in the famous 1946 Saint Paul Teachers’ strike, speaking forcefully for the need to improve the standards for students and public education in Saint Paul.

The SPFE Executive Board is proud to honor our 2020 Strike Captains as the Mary McGough Award Winners!

The Educational Support Professional of the Year award was started in 2012 in recognition of member advocacy, involvement in the Saint Paul Federation of Educators, exceptional work with students, family and community and the enhancement of the Educational Support Professionals – Educational Assistants and School and Community Service Professionals – in Saint Paul Public Schools. The 2020 ESP of the Year is Sylvia Perez, SCSP from Crossroads Elementary!